Greencourt Software GamePlan sports and recreation software

Changes occurring in 2014: Details here

GamePlan software -- version 2.3 upgrade

May 2007:
The new GamePlan software version 2.3 includes the following enhancements.


  • The serial number is stored differently to facilitate situations where the software is installed by an administrator instead of the actual user. Please note that you will need to re-enter your serial number if you are upgrading from a prior release. You can find your serial number before installing the new release, by clicking Help/About.

Challenge Ladder program

  • For a traditional ladder, the penalty for inactivity will be applied one issue sooner than was the case in release 2.2. (In effect, this reverts to the behavior that was in effect in prior releases. It was inadvertently changed in release 2.2.)
  • Several new options are provided to control the format of the output report.
  • Allows the entry of gender in the player data. This facilitates the use of the ladder data if you want to export it to the Match Scheduling program.
  • For a doubles ladder, both names are shown on-screen in the results section. (The printed output was already correct in showing both names.)

Match Scheduling program

  • When creating a new match schedule, the default setting for the "Skill Disparity" option is now "off." Previously, this option defaulted to "on," which is the appropriate setting only in a mixer scenario involving players of widely varying skill level.
  • Player contact information (phone numbers, e-mail addresses) will be printed in the output, as is already done in the Challenge Ladder and Tournament Draw programs. (However, the contact information is suppressed if the "two column" output option is selected.)

Other changes

  • Sample data is provided for the Challenge Ladder and Tournament Draw programs (it was already provided for the Match Scheduling program).
  • Additional clarification on the e-mail feature is provided here.
  • In the Tournament Draw program, the seeding of players 3 and 4 did not appear to be properly randomized (as to their placement in the top half or bottom half of a draw). Also, for some scenarios (depending on the selected printing options), the "champion" line of the draw would not be printed in the output. These defects have been corrected.

Version 1 Compatibility

This is the last release that will be able to open files from GamePlan version 1. If you are still on version 1, you are not required to upgrade, but you may want to consider it since there have been many improvements made to the software over the past few years.

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